What We Believe
Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church is a body of baptized believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, working in an inclusive effort to express Godly love to everyone. Thus, we, the members of Mt. Zion, are not perfect people, but rather we are people who are being made perfect; we are not the redeemer, we have been redeemed; we are not the savior for we ourselves have been saved. We, by the power of the true and living God, have been saved and transformed by God. We see ourselves as those that have been changed by God to offer Jesus Christ to all who will believe that we have peace, power, progress, prosperity and eternal life through the finished work of our Lord on Calvary's Cross. Ultimately, we see ourselves as reasonable facsimiles of Jesus Christ placed here on the earth for purpose of:
Worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24)
Witnessing for the Lord through Evangelism (John 12:32)
Working for the Lord through Christian service (Colossians 3:23-24)
We believe that the Bible is the Holy infallible word of the living God (Acts 1:1-3) and that within its confines it teaches us that there is only one true and living God (Exodus 20:2-3) who exist as the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit (St. Matthew 28:19). We believe that God and God alone is worthy of all praise, honor and glory as the Maker, Creator, Sustainer, Keeper and Ruler over this world and the world to come
(Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 43:1-7).
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Promised Messiah. He is the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us (St. John 1:1, 14). We believe that He came to give us a perfect manifestation of God's love (I John 4:8, St. John 3:16); to redeem us from sin, the penalty of sin and the bondage of Satan (Ephesians 1:7, 14; Roman 6:23; John 8:36).
We believe that Jesus Christ died a very horrible and humiliating death for us just so that we might be free (St. John 3:16, St. Matthew 27:26-31). We believe that the goodness about Jesus Christ is that He did not stay in His grave but He rose early the third day morning with all power in His hands (St. Matthew 28:18). In this, we believe that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Alpha and Omega, Author and Finisher, First and the Last, the Beginning and End of all things (Revelations 1, 2).
We believe that apart from Jesus Christ, we can do nothing (St. John 15:5), but we know that with Him, we can do all things (Philippians 4:13). Therefore, we believe that there is not a task too difficult for us to accomplish with faith in Almighty God.